Saturday, June 6, 2009

So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape

Damn, today was helllla boring! i was invited to angeline's dinner but i'm saving up money for the bonfire next weeek D: so today, in the morning 9ish i think? yeah, my cousin woke me up to set up the yard sale, stayed outside for quite a long time, no fucking customers cos of the litttle shit we had. -___- mostly just clothes! and then my dad wanted to sell stufff so he brought out our old toys and shiet. and guess whaa? the mexican people from our last yard sale came! HAHA, &we only made 4$ total! they bought toys. $1 each, cos you knooo! beaners, teheh no racist tho. anyways didn't do nothing today. so efffing gay! i went to church afterwards at 6:30 at st. columban. I saw a few people i knew. AFter church i went to eat pho w/ my mom& bros. When we left i saw some group of guys tryna jump over a bush, like do flips and crap. some were pretttty cuuute, teheh well i'm having a bad day. my brothers fucking pisssing the shit outtta me. bye saasquach.

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